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Virginia Injury & Will Contest Attorneys

Why Insurance Company Representatives Are NOT Your Friends

Insurance adjuster searing a long-sleeved button down and a black baseball cap reviews the condition of a vehicle

Getting into a car accident is never fun. People don’t typically set out to get into accidents. Not only are accidents themselves not fun, but dealing with the insurance company afterward is also extremely unpleasant.

Read on to learn why insurance company representatives are not to be trusted.

Auto Insurance Company Representatives Can’t Be Trusted

If you’ve ever had to deal with auto insurance companies in the past, you know what a daunting and frustrating experience it can be. Make no mistake, that’s on purpose.

You see, insurance companies are in the business of making money—not helping people—as they’d like you to believe. Insurance companies make money when they close claims. The longer a claim stays open, the less money the insurance company makes.

Don’t Let Them Fool You

When you call the insurance company to provide a statement about your car accident, you may be greeted by a warm, friendly tone on the other end of the line.

Don’t allow their comfort to manipulate you.

Insurance company representatives are trained to gain your trust so that they can exploit you later. They do all they can to coax sensitive information out of you that you wouldn’t admit to just anyone so that they can use it against you.

In fact, it’s fairly common for insurance companies to throw their own insured under the bus in order to close claims quicker. They’ll tell you that you’re fully at fault for the accident, even if you’re not, so that they can close your claim and raise your premium.

It’s actually in the insurance company’s best interest not to pay out your claim because they make more money off you by raising your premiums as a result of your accident.

Remember, insurance companies are in the business of making money—not helping you.

We’re Here For Your Support

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, our team at Obenshain Law Group is here to help. We’ve assisted countless others in situations just like yours obtain justice, and we can help you, too. Don’t hesitate to contact our firm with your case right away.

If you or a loved one is ever involved in a crash, our lawyers at Obenshain Law Group can help you receive the settlement you deserve. Give us a call at (540) 318-7360 or fill out an online contact form.
